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Première mise à jour pour Joomla 1.6

On commençait à s'impatienter, mais l'équipe de développement était bien au travail : une première mise à jour de Joomla! 1.6 est enfin disponible, corrigeant quelques-uns des nombreux bugs que beaucoup d'entre vous auront probablement découvert au cours de leur utilisation de la nouvelle version du CMS.

Bien sûr, ce patch 1.6.1 est également l'occasion de corriger quelques failles de sécurité et améliorer le fonctionnement global de Joomla 1.6. C'est aussi et surtout l'occasion de rassurer la communauté et de voir que, comme les versions précédentes, Joomla 1.6 sera suivi et supporté de manière soutenue.

Pour l'instant, le fichier n'est disponible que sur le site officiel, en anglais, dans sa version complète anglaise ou dans une mise à jour 1.6.0 vers 1.6.1. Un pack de langue français pour la 1.6.1 est quant à lui disponible à cette adresse.

Nous hébergerons les versions françaises de la mise à jour ou de la version 1.6.1 sur notre site dès que possible.


-------------------- 1.6.1 Stable Release [07-Mar-2011] ------------------

04-Mar-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Updating ja-JP

03-Mar-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#25006] Alternative Layout Not Implemented in com_search, com_users
 # [#24821] Add support for defer/async to JDocument
 # [#25035] extra closing div in \components\com_weblinks\views\form\tmpl\edit.php
 # [#25042] Extra markup in some component views
 # [#24865] sef plugin results in a blank page for large content
 # [#25110] *Duplicated module is published
 # [#25091] Sample Data Typo
 # [#25034] *modifying Beez5 to compatibility with RTL 

01-Mar-2011 Ian MacLennan
 # [#25038] Codemirror update causes improper characters in template html/css editing

24-Feb-2011 Mark Dexter
 # Revert 24710 Contact language is ignored in frontend

21-Feb-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#24886] No save icon in article editor for new article with category level permission
 # [#24909] *Category Save as Copy does not save with different title/alias
 # [#22624] bug: old extension version reported from cache after automatic extension update**
 # [#24433] *modal_contacts field type problems
 # [#24963] Missing "parent" css class if menu is collapsed
 # [#24589] Systematic elimination of DS as directory separator - Round 2
 # [#24838] mod_articles_category generates a PHP warning when using language filter
 # [#24489] Joomla displaying error after uploading an image using Media Manager and the path does not stay where it is after the upload
 # [#24799] Double category strings in URLs
 # [#24524] Redirect is Not Working with SEF
 # [#24908] A banner with limited impressions will never show
 # [#24903] Cannot Translate Option Values using JForm SQL Field Type**
 # [#24857] Users with create permission in a category cannot see the image button below the editor
 # [#24993] Cannot allow a group to create in a single sub category
 # [#24307] Login form does not use https
 # [#24528] Fatal error in mod_articles_category when showing readmore
 # [#24880] Can't display teaser text in full article view.
 # [#24914] Wrong class in kategory list mode
 # [#24548] Abort during install of component and module fail due to rollback methods being protected instead of public.
 # [#24389] Plugins installed via discover are enabled
 # [#22832] PNG images are not optimized
 # [#24519] Don't use the $() function in JavaScript.
 # [#25022] Upgrade Geshi to
 # [#24675] typo in databasequery.php - udpate
 # [#25011] Beez_20 and Beez 5 xml patch
 # [#23491] Upgrade Codemirror to Version 0.94
 # [#24740] Make some scripts compatible with Mootools 1.3
21-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24999] The strings used for the display column in the module assignment slider are confusing. Thanks Elin and Andrea
 # [#24983] modifying Beez 20 to compatibility with RTL Thanks Mahmood and Ofer.
 # [#24996] There is no featured button in the tool bar, so no way to make multiple articles featured. Thanks Elin.
 # [#24929] Multiselect not implemented in all views. Thanks Ian and Andrea.
 # [#25008] JNO/JYES instead JSHOW/JHIDE in mod_weblinks.xml Thanks Serge and Bill.
 $ Adding mn-MN to installation langs
20-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24916] Missing class blog_children. Thanks Markus and Bill.
 # [#24915] Missing class default_children. Thanks Markus and Bill.
19-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24978] duplicate code weblink .php
 # [#24545] Stripped code in contents and custom html module. Thanks Amy and Janich.
18-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24975] JS patch for Beez5 - IE issue hide.js. Thanks Ole.
 # [#24947] Incorrect ID attribute's value in backend menu. Thanks Serge
 $ Deleted a duplicate string and corrected some extra spaces
 # [#24933] The "Ordering" form field type defaults to "0", causing accidental changes to ordering of plugins. Thanks Bernie and Bill.

17-Feb-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#24231] JS error notices default template in IE7+8
 # [#24825] in sql file bug
 # [#24506] com_categories doesn't properly update paths of children categories when moved to a new parent
 # [#24532] Unused JDate code causing "Catchable fatal error"
 # [#24646] Send HTTP result code 503 for the offline page
 # [#24911] Redirect component does not list 404 errors for missing child page when parent page does exist (patch supplied)
 # [#24496] Improve installation.js
 # [#24859] Debug Language showing up
 # [#24856] Get error after save options for component
 # [#24455] Alias URL does not work with Language filter plugin active - sef off
 # [#24816] 404 errors when using pagebreak with sef enabled
 # [#24314] Remove com_search SEF encoding of search term
 # [#24896] Module Banners: "All categories" option does not include all categories
 # [#24883] Plugin User-Profile Birthday field alpha entry crashes Profile Fields in Admin
 # [#24890] A registered user can change their user name
 # [#24965] Banner Manager: Banners - increase is needed for colspan of table's footer
 # [#24419] JController class lacks a unregisterTask method

17-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Updating ar-AA and sv-SE
 $ Adding Installation language nn-NO. Updating Credits.
 # [#24926] JTRASH instead JTRASHED in jgrid.publishedOptions. Thanks Serge.
 # [#24877] * Menu manager Multilanguage Deactivate Home
 # [#24869] Accommodating for longer string value in Banners Edit page. Thanks Bill and Andrea.

16-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 [#24932] *Search lower and upper limit do not take into account localise.php settings
 [#24923] *Normalise modals UI
 # [#24927] Modules do not have Trashed state. Thanks Serge.
 $ Correcting an html tag in an ini string
 #$ [#24497] Improve the voting plugin. Thanks Rouven and Christophe.
 $ Taking off underline html tag in some ini strings. Thanks Serge.
 $ Small correction in an ini file. Thanks Stella.

15-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $# [#24897] Untranslated strings TPL_BEEZ5_ISCLOSED and TPL_BEEZ5_LOGO. Thanks Serge.
 # [#24884] Missing messages for some menu item types having no Basic Options. Thanks Bill.
 $# [#24759] * Different Alias fields tooltips.
 #$ [#24882] *Banners unique alias
 # [#24881] Problems with aliases when there is a menu alias menu type. Thanks Mark.
 # [#24872] Transliteration does not work in Category Manager
 $ Corrected an ini string value
 # [#24912] *Multilanguage on and site offline: loggin front-end gets in a loop
13-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ [#24874] Change "Templates Manager" to "Template Manager". Thanks Mark.

12-Feb-2011 Christophe Demko
 # [#24873] Extra div element in Category List for unpublished articles (Mark Dexter)

11-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24833] Debug position in beez 20 template doesn't work.
 #$ Normalizing fieldset label

10-Feb-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#24322] *Submitting two articles in the same category with the same title but different aliases doesn't work on frontend

10-Feb-2011 Christophe Demko
 # [#24446] *Contacts Category model tries to load params from menu even if no Itemid is set (Jean-Marie Simonet, Jeremy Wilken)
 # [#24417] Clicks on a custom banner are not counted (bill richardson)
 # [#24833] Debug position in beez 20 template doesn't work. (Jean-Marie Simonet)
 # [#24830] Typo in media/media/css/popup-imagelist.css (wrong color value for background) (Peter Chovancak)
 # [#24707] new user group assignement doesn't work (Andrea Tarr)
 # [#24840] *Redundant call to load language in tinymce causes lang load issue (Samuel Moffatt, Jean-Marie Simonet)

10-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 #$ [#24776] *Weblinks icon hardcoded
 # [#24423] JHtml select.radiolist produces unnecessary label class suffix. Thanks Nikolai.
 # [#24372] plg_user_profile "Website" field XSS. Thanks Rouven and Christophe.
 # [#24790] Remove the border attribute. Thanks Rouven.
 # [#24837] [#24767] *Detect browser lang and cookie broken when using languagefilter. Thanks Christophe.
 # [#24831] *Accommodating longer strings in bluestork page title. Thanks Christophe and Andrea.

09-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Correcting English spelling
 $ Deleting unused string
 ^ [#24828] Image j_button2_right.png missing from system template.
 # [#24812] *Banners Tracks export modal needs more height
 # [#24811] Enable editor-xtd buttons to have meaningful tooltips. Thanks Jonathan.
 # [#24750] If a system plugin tries to load its language file, Joomla! falls back to setting the default site language to English.
 # [#24797] Change pagination pagelist. Thanks Harald.

07-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Correcting English spelling
06-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24743] Contact form typo - duplicate tag  for Email and Message. Thanks Peter and Elin.
 # [#24711] duplicate case in switch in ~/components/com_users/controller.php. Thanks Boris and Bill.

04-Feb-2011 Christophe Demko
 # [#24562] com_menu not looking for component xml file (Mark Dexter, Selene Feigl, marius van rijnsoever)
 # [#24693] Articles Category Module Gropu by Author error (Mark Dexter)
 # [#24731] Details of the components are in different orderings (Jean-Marie Simonet, Jozsef Tamas Herczeg, bill richardson)

04-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 #$ Deleting hard-coded colons
 # [#24710] Contact language is ignored in frontend. Thanks Christophe.
 # [#24735] Removes references to non-existing stylesheet. Thanks Rouven
 $# Normalizing some ini strings.

03-Feb-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#24317] Module articles category - fatal error

03-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 #$ [#24724] Inconsistency in the Link Author article option. Thanks Bill.
 # [#24726] Link Author option lacks in Archived Articles menu item. Thanks Bill.
 $ Correcting some ini strings values
 #$ [#24732] Message label incorrect showed and inconsistency with colon after labels in Contact form. Thanks Bill.
02-Feb-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#24702] *Don't show empty divs in mod_login
 # [#24704] *menu items metadata not implemented
 # [#24698] *Incorrect tooltip for the Enabled column in Plug-In Manager
 # [#24695] *Incorrect tooltip in News Feed Manager
 # [#24708] *Contact form in frontend does not display the star for required fields

02-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Updated bg-BG.ini

01-Feb-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24701] New preview screenshots required for the admin templates, Thanks Jozcef.
 #$ [#24694] Missing tooltip in Web Links Manager. Thanks Bill.

31-Jan-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#24642] Incorrect term in a tooltip in the Menu Items screen
 # [#24681] *Issue in back-end login module with Languages not installed in db but present in the admin language folder
 # [#24265] Strict standards: Declaration of WeblinksModelCategory::getItems() should be compatible with that of JModelList::getItems() in
 # [#24298] Screens jumps when using the ACL widget
 # [#24336] *PHP warning in extension manger
 # [#24674] Empty tooltips in module edit screens
 # [#24405] Library JURI has an optional parameter: it should be mandatory
 # [#24665] Inconsistency in the Add new newsfeed screen
 # [#24591] No rounded corners in Opera for Modal
 # [#24557] Mod popular and latest article processing events in content plugins

31-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Deleting duplicate lang string
 $ Updating aa-AA.ini 

30-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Customising a lang key to fit different languages

29-Jan-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#24288] com_mailto Spam Email Relay
 # [#24371] SQL error in com_contact if id not set
 # [#24097] Add a button to the installation to remove the installation folder
 # [#24274] Title is displayed in Readmore text although 'Title with Readmore' is turned off

29-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Deleting one unused string from all installation ini files.

28-Jan-2011 Mark Dexter
 # Fix MySQLi wording in installation language files

28-Jan-2011 Christophe Demko
 # [#23915] Trashed articles - no indication of being trashed , when viewed at front of site
 # [#24404] Update GeSHI to (Michael Babker)
 # [#24269] com_contact view contact > links (Nikolai Plath, Sergio Iglesias, Jennifer Marriott)
 # [#24287] Disabling modules on a page leaves error messages (Nikolai Plath)
 # [#24305] 3rd party components install in location "site" instead of "administrator" (Samuel Moffatt)
 # [#24444] com_newsfeeds doesn't set default view in frontend (Jeremy Wilken)
 # [#24394] Error page styling forces error box to far left (Jeremy Wilken, Nikolai Plath)
 # [#24309] PHP Strict Standards Message, Category Blog (bill richardson)

28-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Correcting parse issues in 14 installation langs
 # [#24657] Enabling debug language mode in installation application. Thanks Christophe.
27-Jan-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#24644] Joomla! Web Application Framework library is uninstallable
 # Fix SVN properties on some joomla_update sql scripts 

27-Jan-2011 Christophe Demko
 # [#24558] Improve the Directory Permissions in com_admin (Rouven Weßling)

27-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24320] Unstyled dialog when clicking 'new' in module manager. Thanks Andrea.
 # Updating credits
 # [#24550] Manifest data is not being serialized as JSON during install and discovery install. Thanks Brian Towles.

26-Jan-2011 Mark Dexter
 # [#24513] *Incorrect error string after saving default menu item with set 'Default Page' radio button to 'no' value
 # [#24607] *No translation of options (plugin names) in ordering field of plugins

26-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24599] Templates filter searches all extensions. Thanks CY Lee.
 $ Updating zh-CN
 # [#24619] Wrong description language code for email1 field. Thanks Bill.
 $ Correcting some lang strings values.
 #$ [#24615] Extra language definitions for icon tooltips in Messages component
 #$ [#24587] beez template typo with position-15
 $ Adding pt-PT installation lang
25-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Adding el-GR, ka-GE installation langs
 $ Adding fi-FI installation langs. Modifying gu-IN.
 # [#24580] Localise xml default language is not highlighted in the drop down
 # [#24582] Languages not installed in db but present in the language folders in joomla issue
 # [#24564] mod_articles_category creates wrong html code. Thanks Andras.

24-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Updating af-ZA
 #$ [#24457] Language fixes and new warnings for com_installer. Thanks Sam.
 # [#24540] New Window without navigation. Thanks Byron and Bill.
 $ Updating ru-RU, sk-SK
 $ Updating ca-ES, adding ml-IN installation lang
 $ Correcting parse errors in ml-IN.ini
 #$ [#24573] Backend mod_status private messages pluralisation. Thanks Edgars. Reordered en-GB.mod_status.ini
23-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24523] Improve the cpanel of admin templates + correcting some errors. Thanks Christophe.
 $ Adding bn-BD, ckb-IQ, eo-XX, ta-IN installation langs + updating 35 installation langs for 1.6.1 
 $ Updating vi_VN
 # [#24570] Correcting icon message display in installation with rtl lang
 # [#24463] Admin Trashed menu doesn't display - link error. Thanks Barny and Bill.
 # [#24459] In Users -> Mass Mail Users, the tooltips are not being styled. Thanks Jeremy.
 $ Missing strings in lv-LV
22-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # Updating some TT credits
 # [#24525] In Bluestork, longer labels are being cut off especially radio button labels. Thanks Andrea

21-Jan-2011 Christophe Demko
 # [#24523] Improve the cpanel of admin templates + correting some errors
 # Revert [#24523]

21-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ [#24520] Incorrect tooltips in Articles Categories module. Thanks Jozsef and Bill.
 $ [#24518] Incorrect tooltip in Module Manager. Thanks Jozsef and Bill. 
20-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24491] com_contact, wrong string is used in config.xml (COM_CONTACT_FIELD_PROFILE_SHOW_LABEL used twice). Thanks Edgars.
 # Changing version number in en-GB.xml and en-US.xml installation
 # Adding missing new tag in localise.xml [#23083]
 # [#24318] Administration templates renders JForm "checkboxes" incorrectly in config. Thanks Andrea.

19-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 #$ [#24464] Incorrect language definition in 'List Contacts in a Category' menu item type. Thanks Jozsef and Bill.
 # [#24397] group perms list should be expand/collapsible at will. Thanks Jeremy and Andrea.
 #$ [#24475] Multiple groups are a problem in the user manager. Thanks Andrea.
 $ [#24097] Adding new strings from that non-committed yet patch in installation ini files to freeze them for 1.6.1. 
18-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # Correcting code typo
 # [#24327] Bluestork administrator template template.css typo. Thanks Bill.
 # [#24428] breadcrumbs doesn't look good on rtl templates
 # [#24461] Langswitcher module needed display improvement parameters
 $ [#24466] Incomplete language strings in Mass Mail. Thanks Mark.
 # [#24460] uppear right toolbar on rtl template isn't align well. Thanks Ofer.
 $ [#24448] missing translation for COM_WEBLINKS_DEFAULT_PAGE_TITLE. Thanks Bill.

17-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 + Adding he.gif flag to langswitcher
 # [#24426] Missing language string JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PACK_INSTALLER_COPY_SETUP. Thanks Bill.
 # [#24409] RTL/LTR issues in Beez2 and 5 (News feeds and debug)
16-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 # [#24391] Implementing RTL pagination in beez
 # [#23083] Internationalisation of sample data options list. Thanks Christophe.

15-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Correcting lang string typo
 #$ [#24384] Missing Language string Cache Unwritable
 # [#24396] MODULES_ERR_XML incorrectly called. Thanks Michael
14-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Correcting lang string typo
 # [#24377] Adding a "Location" column in Language Manager
13-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 + Adding pt_br.gif flag for langswitcher
 $ [#24328] Inconsistent term for User Group. Thanks Mark.
 # [#24299] Issue with MySQL compatibility in joomla.sql with params fields. Thanks Sam.
 $ Adding missing string in JLIB

12-Jan-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
 $ Correcting errors in fa-IR, aa-AA and he-IL installation langs
 # Correction in credits & site en-GB.xml
 $ Adding 2 JLIB_ strings to installation en-GB.ini. Thanks Eraser
 # [#24294] Javascript error in installation. Thanks Christophe
 # [#24301] /templates status indicator in backend. Thanks Sergey
 + [#24292] Refresh Cache in Extension Manager: Failed loading XML file

Astuces et Conseils

Si votre hébergement est chez OVH, la procédure classique consistant à ajouter à votre fichier .htaccess la ligne php_value register_globals Off ne fonctionnera pas.

En effet OVH a modifié la configuration de ses serveurs. Pour désactiver le Register globals il faut ajouter cette ligne : SetEnv REGISTER_GLOBALS 0

Lors de l'installation de Joomla il faut modifier certains droits sur les dossiers et fichiers. Si votre hébergement est chez OVH, il faut savoir que leurs serveurs n'acceptent pas les CHMOD 777 sur les dossiers. Il faut mettre un CHMOD 755.

Lorsque vous trier votre liste d'articles pour n'afficher que ceux d'une section voire d'une catégorie donnée, si vous cliquez sur Nouveau, le nouvel article sera directement dans la section et dans la catégorie avec lesquelles vous avez filtré vos articles.

Attention : les noms de tous les fichiers (documents, images) comme ceux des répertoires doivent s’écrire sans accents, sans espaces, et sans caractères spéciaux autres que - (tiret) _ (underscore) ou . (point). Les majuscules sont tolérées, mais sont dispensables.
Exemples de nommage corrects : image-du-chateau.jpg, le_chateau.jpg, chateau.jpg
Exemples de nommage incorrects : image du chateau.jpg, château.jpg

Attention : les seuls formats d’images tolérés sont JPG (ou JPEG), GIF et PNG. Les formats BMP, PSD, TIFF et autres sont fortement déconseillés.

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