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Joomla 1.7.0 est sorti

Comme annoncé, la première version stable de Joomla 1.7 est sortie à la date prévue, le 19 juillet, amenant son lot de corrections et de nouveautés au CMS.

Si les nouvelles fonctionnalités sont assez limitées (on notera avec soulagement le retour de la copie et du déplacement d'articles en masse, ou l'arrivée d'une option pour gérer l'image de fond d'un module HTML), Joomla 1.7 apporte environ 200 corrections à la version précédente.

Il entame surtout la deuxième phase du nouveau cycle de sortie de Joomla, qui verra l'arrivée, début 2012, d'une version 1.8 (ou 2.0, l'équipe n'a pas encore tranché).

A noter que la mise à jour vers Joomla 1.7 entraîne des modifications de la structure de la base de données. Il est donc impératif de passer votre site Joomla 1.6 en 1.6.5. La mise à jour peut se faire automatiquement depuis l'administration Joomla via le menu Extensions, Gestion des Extensions et Mises à jour. Comme toujours, pensez à faire une sauvegarde complète de votre site (fichiers et base de données) avant toute mise à jour, par exemple au moyen du composant Akeeba Backup.

Pour les sites tournant encore sous une version 1.5, le composant jUpgrade devrait proposer une alternative de migration intéressante.

-------------------- 1.7.0 Stable Release [19-Jul-2011] ------------------

18-Jul-2011 Mark Dexter
# Needed file was being deleted during update
# New installation language file

17-Jul-2011 Mark Dexter
# Fix banner issue in sample data (Elin Waring)

17-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# Updating admin en-GB.xml
- Deleting plg_authentication_example.ini and sys.ini files

16-Jul-2011 Mark Dexter
^ Update sample data for 1.7 (Elin Waring)
# [#26418] set_time_limit calls when safe mode on causes warnings
# [#26417] Category Request variable not showing in menu mandatory parameters when using template override

15-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Updating installation ini files: lo-LA
# [#26397] Joomla! Administration Login Page Does Not Show Language in the Dropdown even if the Admin Pack is Installed
$ Updating installation ini files: ar-AA, ca-ES
# [#26392] issues when updating from 1.6.5 to 1.7.0 using ftp. Thanks Christophe.

14-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#26398] In the Configuration screen the label Database Prefix should be changed to Table Prefix
$ Updating ta-IN.xml

13-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Updating installation ini files: af-ZA, ta-IN
# [#26378] Template and module managers using different icons for duplicate. Thanks Elin.
$ Correcting en-GB.xml
$ Updating installation ini files: de-DE

-------------------- 1.7.0 RC1 Release [12-Jul-2011] ------------------

12-Jul-2011 Mark Dexter
# [#26075] Update FancyUpload to version 3.0.1.
# [#26368] Fix typo in concatenate for mysql and mysqli drivers
# [#25950] "active" class attribute for Module Category List View
# [#26372] Add some WAI-ARIA and HTML5 to the form validator.
# [#26351] Use the same method to test for localstorage in all scripts
# [#26369] Sync administrator layout overrides

12-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Updating installation ini files: bn-BD, bs-BA, pt-BR
# Updating administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.xml
$ Updating installation ini files: ja-JP (TT change)
# [#26374] "Category Order" isn't applied to Category Blog layout. Thanks Dennis.
$ Updating installation ini files: zh-TW
$ Updating installation ini files: hu-HU
$ Updating installation ini files: fi-FI
$ Correcting some ini files (1.6 instead of 1.7), alpha ordering.
# Correcting typo in mod_toolbar.xml
$ Corrected en-GB, en-AU, en-US installation inis using 'prefix database 'instead of 'table prefix' in strings.

11-Jul-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26355] In a multi-language site, when navigation is enabled, articles tagged for other languages are also shown in addition to the language that is being viewed

11-Jul-2011 Mark Dexter
# [#26344] Fix PHP strict warning in MenusModelMenu

11-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#26315] Pagebreak plugin running in unexpected places plus an improvement. Thanks Elin, Christophe. + Alpha reordering of en-GB.plg_content_pagebreak.ini
$ Updating installation ini files: nl-NL
$ Updating installation ini files: be-BY, pl-PL, th-TH, zh-CN
# [#26370] Remove the module position preview icons if the option is disabled. (in fact changed the icons)
# [#26366] Platform Catchup: Can't get parameters for a module using getModule. Thanks Elin.
# [#26365] Plugin Helper performance improvements from platform. Thanks Elin.

10-Jul-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26346] Sync some changes from the platforum (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26357] Some minor enhancements to progressbar.js (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26363] Merge more docblock changes from the platform (Rouven Weßling)

10-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#26358] Prevent Firebug change of user name. Thanks Elin
$ Updating installation ini files: et-EE
# [#26308] mod_login "Reset password" link doesn't work when menu item like "Edit profile" and Frienldy URLs are present. Thanks Nikolai
# [#26362] Joomla 1.7 JVersion class public variable not compliant with all previous Joomlas. Thanks Beat.
$ Correcting error in sv-SE.ini
$ Updating installation ini files: az-AZ, sy-IQ

10-Jul-2011 Andrew Eddie
! Form package docblocks sync'd with platform repo.
! HTML package docblocks/code formatting sync'd with platform repo.
! Language package docblocks/code formatting sync'd with platform repo.
! Log package docblocks/code formatting sync'd with platform repo.
! Mail package docblocks/code formatting sync'd with platform repo.
! Plugin package docblocks/code formatting sync'd with platform repo.
! Registry package docblocks/code formatting sync'd with platform repo.

09-Jul-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26349] Update TinyMCE to version (Rouven Weßling)
# [#24537] JUserHelper::removeUserFromGroup doesn't remove user from group (use of the code located in the platform)

09-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Updating installation ini files: ckb-IQ, el-GR, fa-IR, it-IT, ro-RO, sr-SR, sr-YU, sv-SE.
- Deleting some installation lang files: bg-BG, bn-BD, eo-XX, id-ID, is-IS, ml-IN, mn-MN, sq-AL, vi-VN
# Updating generator to 1.7
$ Updating installation ini files: ta-IN
# Updating Credits.
$ Updating installation ini files: es-ES

09-Jul-2011 Andrew Eddie
^ JPlatform class file moved to /libraries/ to sync with platform repo.
! Database package docblocks sync'd with platform repo.
! Error package docblocks sync'd with platform repo.
# Removed define for JPLATFORM from platform.php as it causes problems on some setups (probably due to slight variations in the spl autoloader).

08-Jul-2011 Andrew Eddie
! Application package docblocks sync'd with platform repo.
! Client package docblocks sync'd with platform repo.

08-Jul-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26282] user manager - last visited date (bill richardson)
# [#26348] Sync changes from the platform - JHTML edition (Rouven Weßling)

08-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Updating installation ini files: da-DK, de-DE, en-AU, en-US, gl-ES, gu-IN, he-IL, hr-HR, ja-JP, km-KH, lv-LV, mk-MK, nb-NO, nn-NO, ru-RU, uk-UA

07-Jul-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26247] Automatic update from 1.6.4 will leave some unused file (Big thanks to all testers!)
# [#26258] the contactcreator-PlugIn interrupts the contact-categories and -names (Nikolai Plath)

07-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
+ [#20733] Some core component do not correctly uninstall. Thanks Christophe.
$ Updated fr-FR installation ini file
$ Alpha ordering of en-GB.files_joomla.sys.ini

06-Jul-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26313] Remove more images from the installation (like 26262) (Rouven Weßling)
+ [#26276] Association between menu items in multilingual settings.
+ [#26224] Add an ordering column to table jos_languages
# [#26300] The com_categories component display the note field twice
# [#26321] Incorect css in sample data (article "Beez 20") (Peter Chovancak)
# [#26314] Unused setting in Contact Manager Options (bill richardson, Nikolai Plath)
- Removing comments in update SQL files since JDatabase::splitSql does not manage them
+ Add NOT NULL to the ordering column of #__language

05-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# Adding Belarussian flag image for language switcher

04-Jul-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26284] Error during update can delete all Joomla program files
# [#26307] Typo in atomic template.css (Brian Teeman, bill richardson)
# [#26310] New Eye candy feature contains CSS errors (Nikolai Plath)
# [#26293] The com_config component does not refresh current component page when clicking on Save & Close

02-Jul-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#26301] Front end menu formatting. Thanks Bill.

01-Jul-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#21813] [patch] Randomise the Joomla DB Prefix During Installation (Nicholas Dionysopoulos, Omar Ramos)
# [#26151] Setting &template= in URL gives template parameters from default- or page-assigned template style (bill richardson, Stephen Brandon)
# [#26281] duplication of rel attribute in atomic (Jacob Waisner, bill richardson)
# [#26174] *Unused admin modules (Jean-Marie Simonet)
# [#26289] not hidden on Hathor's Joomla! Administration Login page (Peter Chovancak)
# [#25901] no "active"-class in TOC of multipage-content (Jean-Marie Simonet, bill richardson)
# [#26283] Avoid logging password in system-log plugin

30-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#26285] Update Joomla! CMS Version. Thanks Michael.

-------------------- 1.7.0 Beta1 Release [28-Jun-2011] ------------------

28-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter
^ [#23125] "Select a Menu Item Type" in modal box in menu item edit page (Dennis Hermatski)
# [#26278] Issue 26199 broke some javascript alerts

28-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#25381] Banner Manager: Tracks - JavaScript error '"jform_inline0") is null' (Peter Chovancak)
# [#25354] Edit icon does not work on 3rd party extensions (Nikolai Plath)
# [#25498] Login error when user is not activated (Rune Sjøen)
# [#25237] Credentials not added to response when authentication fails
# [#26277] Extra line breaks in weblink item description (Dennis Hermatski)
# [#26262] Remove more images from bluestork (Rouven Weßling)

27-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter
^ [#26088] Add WAI-ARIA and HTML5 support the progressbar.js (Rouven Weßling)
^ [#26099] Make loadmodule plugin more useful (Elin Waring)
# [#25696] Updating from J1.6.2 to J1.6.3 removes all files!

27-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26261] Fix some issues from 26260 (Rouven Weßling)

26-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26223] JMail::setSender do not set Sender (Alessandro Pasotti)
# [#26155] Search results for contacts (Nikolai Plath)
# [#26260] Add a little eye candy to the bluestork cpanel (Rouven Weßling)

25-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#23893] My Profile issues
# [#26252] Cache library does not generate valid index.html file
# [#26238] Improvement of assigning modules (Dennis Hermatski)
# [#26043] Install second joomla with special prefix destruct first joomla tables at the same database
# [#26254] Contact List Queries Trashed Items (Nikolai Plath)

24-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
- Revert commit 21640 (

23-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Correcting extraneous spaces in some ini files

23-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#24662] Newly published articles showing pending when they are actually published (revived) (Elin Waring)
# [#22158] Templates are still available for assignment after being unpublished
# [#26040] Redirect of article enabled with 'register to read more' function results in 404 Category not found (Joel Walker)
# [#23793] Core update potentially allows for installing an older update
# [#26221] Disabling admin module Title breaks layout
# [#26200] Add toolbar helper task for checkin (Michael Babker)
# [#26199] Use defined toolbar tasks in place of custom (Michael Babker)
# [#26234] Add missing toolbar icon and update two old ones (Andrea Tarr)
# [#26208] More administrator layout syncs (Andrea Tarr, Rouven Weßling)

22-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#24604] JDate class sets php timezone to UTC which forces all Joomla addons to use UTC dates
# [#25239] Cant set template style (bill richardson)
+ [#26171] Automatic DB update
+ [#25041] Module Menu Assignment Enhancements (David Havard)
# [#26222] Fatal error: Class 'JFile' not found in \libraries\joomla\cache\storage\file.php on line 200 (Peter Chovancak)
^ Rename the update SQL file
# [#26111] JFormFieldMedia not match with com_media params (Yohann Tilotti)
# [#25697] Joomla updater needs better error reporting (Roland Dalmulder)

21-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26211] New opensearch feature generate non valid html output
# [#26212] Bluestork administrator login screen is not valid
^ Replace media/system/images/notice-* images by transparent ones

21-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#26172] fatal error when calling $app->logout(); Thanks Nikolai

21-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter
# [#26194] Replace calls to JRegistry::loadJSON (Michael Babker)
# [#26196] Use field type email in com_contact (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26193] Actually use the namespaced version of checkAll() (Rouven Weßling)

20-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26201] Broken newsfeeds when SEF URLs are off (Nikolai Plath)
+ [#25200] View Access Level not testing in Administrator Models (Amy Stephen)
+ [#25250] Add support for OpenSearch to com_search (Rouven Weßling)

20-Jun-2011 Andrew Eddie
+ Added feature [#26113] Add PHP and HTML modes to CodeMirror (Rouven Weßling).
+ Added feature [#24930] Add to debug log information component and module start time and memory use when showing (Vladimir Serotyukov, Dennis Hermatski).
# Fixed [#26077] JModelList casts $query to string unnecessarily making it impossible to implement Joomfish (Geraint Edwards).

19-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#25116] icon as image file instead of document in media manager
# [#26184] Don't render meta elements without content (Rouven Weßling)
^ [#23165] Make index.html's valid (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26181] Some minor fixes for the installation (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26189] Plugin uninstall uses incorrect sql (Kevin Griffiths & Sam Moffatt)
# [#24629] mod_menu can create invalid id attribute HTML (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26192] Use local storage for tabs (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26076] Joomla 1.7 alpha (Rune Sjøen, bill richardson)
# [#26104] JModelForm validate method is missing group option (Roland Dalmulder)
^ [#26079] Turn multiselect into a behavior (Rouven Weßling)
# [#25981] Missed time offset in RSS/Atom feeds in 1.6.x (Sergey Novikov)
# [#25701] One item in #__content in sample data checked out (Ramindu Deshapriya)
- Removed useless files (commit 21553: [#26164] More Hathor/Bluestork/Installation sync and cleanup)

18-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#26179] Joomla 1.7.0 find updates and proposes 1.6.3. Thanks Christophe
- [#26103] Empty file administrator/components/com_weblinks/helpers/html/weblink.php. Thanks Mark.
# [#26188] Update TinyMCE to version 3.4.1. Thanks Rouven.

17-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter
# [#26124] Namespace the checkAll() function

17-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#24887] Incorrect redirection after saving an admin module (Rune Sjøen)
# [#26164] More Hathor/Bluestork/Installation sync and cleanup (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26159] Multiselect failing depending on selection (Rouven Weßling)
# [#25703] com_contact - Line is missing in default_form.php

16-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
^ Commit #21329 breaks commit #21093 ([#25571] admin templates does not add a border on fielset when using tabs)

16-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Alpha Ordering ini strings in com_search ini and com_users.ini. Updating xx-XX

16-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
+ [#26073] Make single contact view ready to use dynamic forms
+ [#26120] [patch] JToolBar cleanup for Save and Create New and Save as Copy
+ [#26072] Add ability to save a search in a menu item
+ [#21905] Mass Mail - exclude disabled user
# [#26162] Add spinner to the installation (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26166] Unused XML file in com_weblinks (Mark Dexter)

14-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26070] The com_categories component is looking in the 3rd party component directory for a category.xml file

13-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
$ Added missing lang strings
# [#26153] Modals inaccessible because JFile isn't loaded. Thanks Rouven
# [#26136] Add back borders in editor for codemirror. Thanks Andrea.
$ [#26101] pagebreak or page break. Thanks Bill.
# [#26160] com_content archive view does not display the parent category. Thanks Christophe.

13-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter
# [#26158] Cannot create menu items

12-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#26137] Fix parameter conditions for bluestork css files. Thanks Andrea.
# [#26146] Bluestork admin error.php not loading css files. Thanks bug squad ;)

12-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#26135] Remove wrong background on bluestork login (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26128] Sync admin layouts (hathor) (Rouven Weßling, Andrea Tarr)

11-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
- # Revert [#25041] Module Menu Assignment Enhancements. Breaks 1.6.x existing sites. See feature tracker.

10-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#25248] Systematic elimination of DS as directory separator - Final round
# [#26107] RTL issues with trunk (Ofer Cohen)
# [#26121] wrong output of mod_custom (Mark Visser)
# [#24137] Decide and document what value the required attribute takes for JForm. (Rune Sjøen)
# [#26119] Update TinyMCE to version 3.4.3 (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26084] Don't always load Mootools (More) in the backend - this time for real (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26112] Remove unnecessary file from CodeMirror (Rouven Weßling)
# [#26069] Don't render when it has no content. (Rune Sjøen)
# [#25275] User profile fields are empty after submitting form with error in user fieldset (Piotr Mocko)

10-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter
+ [#25041] Module Menu Assignment Enhancements (David Harvard)

10-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#26118] *Multibyte spaces search broken. Thanks Chris and Jonathan.
# Updating admin components xmls to version 1.7
# Updating admin manifests and modules xmls to version 1.7
# Updating site components xmls to version 1.7
# Updating admin templates xmls to version 1.7
# Updating main en-GB and localise xmls to version 1.7
+ Adding default empty en-GB.override.ini
# Updating site modules xmls to version 1.7
# Updating plugins xmls to version 1.7
# Updating site templates xmls to version 1.7
# Updating tests xmls to version 1.7
# Updating some occurrences of Joomla! 1.6 to Joomla! 1.7 (more TODO)

09-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter
# [#26089] Sync admin layouts (hathor)

09-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# Updating installation languages xmls to version 1.7
#$ Deleting redundant lang string from Rev 21463

08-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter
# [#24826] ACL bug in Contact component backend
# [#25711] All Components are deleted from the Administration interface when a new Menu Type named “menu” is deleted
# [#25865] Cannot set custom offset for the tooltip
# [#25938] Repetition code in JHTMLImage::site()
# [#25974] weblinks component
# [#26067] Wrong colspan in admin/mod_latest when there are no results
# [#26083] Update SqueezeBox to version 1.2
# [#23410] Remove # [#26085] *Uninstalling/discovering 4 core components kills their admin menu translations and links 08-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko # [#26062] gray bars in Firefox/Safari above and under the Submenue in adminlists (Rouven Weßling) # [#26065] Bluestork clean up (Rouven Weßling) # [#26097] rev 21483 - file modal.js not updated (Rouven Weßling) # [#26095] Follow on to 25462 for plugin uninstall (Michael Babker) 07-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet $ Updating site en-GB.lib_joomla.ini 07-Jun-2011 Christophe Demko + [#25409] Examples for the editor, search & system plugins. (Peter Nurse) # [#26041] Menu type manager slows down considerably as menu tree gets larger (Andrew Eddie) 06-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter + [#25977] Improve the installation (Rouven Weßling) + [#26046] Rename administrator/help/helpsites-1.6.xml File 06-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet $ [#26055] Category spelling error in help text. Thanks Bill. # [#26052] Improve com_categories batchCopy. Thanks Michael. # [#26025] Article - save as copy. Thanks Michael. # [#25873] *Featured Articles Menu Option does not show option to select category as intended 05-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet # [#26051] Copy tasks allow multiple home menu items to be set. Thanks Michael. -------------------- 1.7.0 Alpha Release [04-Jun-2011] ------------------ 04-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter # Revert [#25873] *Featured Articles Menu Option change since this causes errors on new install 04-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet # [#25873] *Featured Articles Menu Option does not show option to select category as intended - [#26013] The Flag Image for the Language Tamil ( ta) is Incorrect 04-Jun-2011 Mark Dexter # [#26028] Fix backward incompatible changes to JVersion # [#25634] Extension Manager: wrong installer method called during update # [#25635] Extension Manager: possibility to set redirect during update # [#25923] Possible error in JModuleHelper # [#24338] Autoupdate fails for components after applying a patch from issue #24305 # [#25085] Media Manager changes directory after file upload or directory creation + Feature [#22590] Make copy/move consistent across components (Michael Babker) + Feature [#25313] Update TinyMCE to version 3.4.2 (Rouven Weßling) # [#25852] Cache and mod_menu problem # [#26039] Latest News Module redirects to incorrect login URL 04-Jun-2011 Andrew Eddie + Feature [#25866] Add support to log deprecated API. + Feature [#25987] JToolBarHelper functions for Save and Create New and Save as Copy (Joseph LeBlanc). + Feature [#25732] Add JFormRuleOptions rule to validate type="list" parameters (Mark Dexter). + Feature [#25461] Mod_custom with backgroundimages (Angie Radtke). + Feature [#25119] Allow preselection of categories in com_content (Peter Kneisel, Ole Bang Ottosen, Jean-Marie Simonet). 03-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet + [#26035] *Adding the possibility for language packs to include a css file for back-end font change # [#25918] *Error when Login Module try to get the return URL of the current page when SEF turn on and the page is redirect forever 01-Jun-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet #$ [#26023] *Preventing setting more than 1 default home menu item per menu 31-May-2011 Mark Dexter # [#25058] While the site is offline managers and administrators can't login. # [#25905] Purge Expired Cache remove administrator/cache/index.html file # [#25971] Administrator language file en-GB.com_languages.ini. unclosed 'em' tag at Definition COM_LANGUAGES_FIELD_LANG_CODE_DESC text 31-May-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet # [#26012] *Archives Module & Related Articles Module do not use localised calendar date 30-May-2011 Mark Dexter # [#26004] *Back-end language change broken by framework patch in tracker #25925 # [#25956] Improve accessibility in admin modules # [#25904] loadposition: modules with double slashes and slash dollar return without leading slash # [#25675] module messages not displayed if they are defined before the "jdoc:include message" tag in the template # [#25921] Optimize the bluestork template # [#25246] Move the example plugins to the test folder
# [#25687] Embedded image converted to data in RSS feed : data URI get's corrupted
# [#25477] Missing $key argument in call to ::allowSave() in JControllerForm::save()
# [#25988] Fix missing author contact itemid in com_content
# [#25730] Incorrect call of onUserBeforeSave while blocking/activating user in backend, plugins aren't loaded for activating user in backend
# [#25720] JHTML::tooltip quote problem

26-May-2011 Mark Dexter
# [#25733] Direct access as no defined('_JEXEC') or die; in com_mailto/helpers/mailto.php
# [#25919] com_contact: onSubmitContact $post variable
# [#25915] inconsistent beahviour com_content / com_wrapper
# [#25790] Some queries not correctly dealing with trash
# [#25925] Platform sync: new getUserState default argument; JAccess:getActions fix
# [#25462] Unable to run scriptfile on plg_editors-xtd type plugin
# [#25941] Menu Item Help URL Not Translated
# Revert 25790 (breaks Featured Articles)
# [#25452] No JavaScript form validation on users reset and remind page

24-May-2011 Mark Dexter
# [#25908] Code Style improvements for the installation

18-May-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#25679] Typo of pagination parts (as default value) (bill richardson, masanori yamamoto)
# [#25447] New feature: Add Site name after Page title (Piotr Mocko)
# [#25839] No "new item"-button on frontend categroylist-view when there are not articles in category (Michael Babker)

17-May-2011 Christophe Demko
# [#25894] *Fatal Error: JDocumentFeed disabled (Jean-Marie Simonet)

15-May-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
#$ [#23490] Remove option to compress the JS for Tiny MCE. Thanks Rouven.

14-May-2011 Jean-Marie Simonet
# [#25082] Update Mootools to version 1.3.2. Thanks Rouven, Michael
# [#25850] Incorrect ordering of plugins type filter. Thanks Dennis.
# [#25754] Removing double semi-colons. Thanks Dennis
# [#25681] IE <= 7="" and="" beez="" templates="" -="" incorrect="" mouse="" pointer="" over="" open="" close="" button="" if="" right="" column="" is="" visible="" thanks="" peter="" 14-may-2011="" christophe="" demko="" 25772="" librairie="" jdate="" translates="" month="" day="" strings="" for="" rfc822="" format="" which="" not="" correct="" 13-may-2011="" jean-marie="" simonet="" 25872="" wrong="" tip="" contact="" redirect="" 25874="" jdocumentraw="" disabled="disabled" 12-may-2011="" mark="" dexter="" fix="" hard-coded="" jos="" table="" prefix="" in="" weblinks="" sql="" install="" file="" 25867="" sync="" platform="" to="" address="" language="" switching="" issues="" update="" calls="" using="" deprecated="" api="" s="" 25864="" split="" manager:="" installed="" languages="" into="" separate="" views="" michael="" 10-may-2011="" 25845="" breadcrumbs="" never="" use="" the="" string="" home="" 25837="" admin="" menu="" does="" differentiate="" between="" default="" set="" all="" those="" a="" content="" 09-may-2011="" 25830="" 404="" page="" found="" error="" php="" template="" beez_20="" working="" properly="" 05-may-2011="" 25820="" automatic="" site="" change="" at="" login="" parameter="" implemented="" languagefilter="" 03-may-2011="" 25796="" editing="" files="" impossible="" codemirror="" editor="" none="" are="" 25795="" normalizing="" load="" profile="" plugin="" 25642="" tinymce="" version="" 3="" 9="" 4="" rouven="" 24574="" after="" reading="" message="" counter="" refresh="" marco="" roland="" 28-apr-2011="" 25693="" importing="" of="" class="" initialised="" twice="" dennis="" hermatski="" 27-apr-2011="" 24360="" user="" date="" showing="" birthday="" omar="" ramos="" 25771="" 25759="" broken="" system="" messages="" beez5="" 25752="" no="" ending="" fieldset="" tag="" com_contact="" 26-apr-2011="" 25742="" spacerdrop_label="" too="" long="" label="" paulo="" 25753="" hathor="" bugs="" with="" batch="" function="" 25723="" i="" can="" t="" remove="" script="" applet="" iframe="" form="" blacklist="" bill="" 25-apr-2011="" updating="" ta-in="" installation="" 25739="" actions="" articles="" 23-apr-2011="" 25724="" improving="" langswitcher="" module="" correcting="" some="" ini="" 25717="" filter="" enabled="" linked="" shows="" instead="" filtered="" current="" marcel="" 25725="" you="" delete="" style="" elin="" 22-apr-2011="" 25722="" displaying="" status="" manager="" pre="" data-mce-style="">

Astuces et Conseils

Si votre hébergement est chez OVH, la procédure classique consistant à ajouter à votre fichier .htaccess la ligne php_value register_globals Off ne fonctionnera pas.

En effet OVH a modifié la configuration de ses serveurs. Pour désactiver le Register globals il faut ajouter cette ligne : SetEnv REGISTER_GLOBALS 0

Lors de l'installation de Joomla il faut modifier certains droits sur les dossiers et fichiers. Si votre hébergement est chez OVH, il faut savoir que leurs serveurs n'acceptent pas les CHMOD 777 sur les dossiers. Il faut mettre un CHMOD 755.

Lorsque vous trier votre liste d'articles pour n'afficher que ceux d'une section voire d'une catégorie donnée, si vous cliquez sur Nouveau, le nouvel article sera directement dans la section et dans la catégorie avec lesquelles vous avez filtré vos articles.

Attention : les noms de tous les fichiers (documents, images) comme ceux des répertoires doivent s’écrire sans accents, sans espaces, et sans caractères spéciaux autres que - (tiret) _ (underscore) ou . (point). Les majuscules sont tolérées, mais sont dispensables.
Exemples de nommage corrects : image-du-chateau.jpg, le_chateau.jpg, chateau.jpg
Exemples de nommage incorrects : image du chateau.jpg, château.jpg

Attention : les seuls formats d’images tolérés sont JPG (ou JPEG), GIF et PNG. Les formats BMP, PSD, TIFF et autres sont fortement déconseillés.

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